Published inEduCreateWho Is Watching Out For The Safety Of Children In Charter Schools?The LAUSD School Board approves renewals of three KIPP charter schools ignoring the chain’s attempt to build a school on a toxic waste…4d ago4d ago
Published inEduCreateCrete Can’t Run From Its FailuresRanked as one of the worst schools in California, this “low-performing” charter school fights to renew its charter by using faulty data.Jan 291Jan 291
Published inEduCreateOne Less KIPPAfter the charter school chain shut down three franchises, the LAUSD Board rejected renewing another, citing poor academic performance.Jan 241Jan 241
Published inAge of AwarenessLaLa LandWhen last renewed in 2016, the Los Angeles Leadership Academy was given benchmarks to meet. It didn’t, but remained open. Will that change?Jan 241Jan 241
Published inEduCreateIs The School Board Willing To Give Up $7,678,022?KIPP Corazon’s charter is renewed without the Charter School Division being asked to explain why they forgave $28,111 in overallocation…Jan 21Jan 21
Published inAge of AwarenessGetting Half The Job DoneThe LAUSD School Board votes to deny Ivy Bound Academy’s charter renewal but purposely excludes its questionable demographics as a reason.Jan 18Jan 18
Published inAge of AwarenessWill Accountability Happen Behind Closed Doors?The LAUSD Board held a closed session to evaluate Superintendent Carvalho, who is being criticized for how he handled the LA fire crisis.Jan 163Jan 163
Published inDialogue & DiscourseA Tale Of Two PresidentsAs he prepares for his second inauguration, Trump’s actions in the wake of Carter’s death provided a sharp contrast between the two…Jan 12Jan 12
Published inAge of AwarenessKabuki TheaterThe LAUSD Board held a “Public Hearing” on approving a new charter school without providing access to the materials being considered.Jan 9Jan 9
Published inEduCreateCharter School Debt Increases To At Least $2,899,721TTwenty-one schools haven’t paid the penalty for taking more space than they were entitled. Another $7,678,022 is still not accounted for.Jan 52Jan 52