Another Crack In The Glass Ceiling
Kamala Harris becomes the first woman in American history to officially take the reigns of the presidency. What took so long?
“Now there was a time
When they used to say
That behind every great man
There had to be a great woman”
- Eurythmics
Apparently, COVID-19 is not the only health care issue where Trump missed an opportunity to use the bully pulpit of the presidency to save lives. To find colorectal cancer early and increase the chance of survival the CDC “recommends that adults age 45 to 75 be screened.” When it came time for Trump to undergo a colonoscopy as part of his physical, he could have used the opportunity to set an example and urge others to undergo the procedure. Instead, he went to the hospital under a cloak of secrecy. Apparently, he was afraid that if the information were publicly released he would become the “butt of a joke”.
Adding to the intrigue of what should have been a routine medical procedure, Trump reportedly refused to go under anesthesia in order to avoid handing “power over to [his Vice President,] Mike…