CA-30 House Candidate Jon Pelzer on Education

Carl J. Petersen
4 min readMay 28, 2018

“Yes, we definitely need to take a closer look at charter schools and a moratorium would give us the time needed to collect data, research and share successful practices”

- Jon Pelzer

When I approached CA-30 Representative Brad Sherman for an endorsement in my first school board race, he asked who I was running against. After hearing that it was Tamar Galatzan, his only response was that “she has always been good to me.” This exchange demonstrates how Sherman has remained in Congress for 21 years. Galatzan was then heavily favored to retain her seat and she was, therefore, useful to him. He was not going to upset the apple cart by asking questions about actual policies.

Representing a district that is heavily Democratic, Sherman has become very adept at coasting along. At almost every public event he tells the same exact jokes like the fact that he represents America’s most aptly named city — Sherman Oaks. He “is an average Democratic member of Congress, meaning he will vote with the Democratic Party on the majority of bills.” Like all incumbents that I asked, he did not respond to the…



Carl J. Petersen

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.