California Governor’s Race From an Education Perspective

Carl J. Petersen
6 min readMay 10, 2018

Budgets are statements of values, and it is inexcusable to me that California is number one in per prisoner spending, and number 41 in per pupil spending

- Candidate Delaine Eastin

It has been almost four years since John Deasy was forced to resign from the LAUSD after a failed $1.3 billion iPad program and spearheading the “disastrous” MiSiS computer system, which cost the district over $189 million. The LAUSD had promoted him to the role of Superintendent “without so much as a job interview” and ignored his “shady history of allegedly lying about his credentials and snatching up money wherever he [could] find it”. Among the remnants of his tenure is the District’s fractured relationship with its teachers whom he constantly bullied as he led the country’s second-largest school district.

While Monica Garcia and the rest of the LAUSD Board deserve the ultimate blame for the damage that Deasy did to the LAUSD, Antonio Villaraigosa’s role in bringing him to the district should not be ignored. As the mayor of Los Angeles, Villaraigosa made “all the moves behind the scenes to make [Deasy’s promotion] happen.” He praised the appointment by stating that “the Los Angeles Unified School District is lucky to have him”. If he could do that much damage as mayor, imagine what would happen to public education if Eli Broad’s puppet takes control of the…



Carl J. Petersen

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children.