Is the LAUSD Charter School Division Providing Any Oversight?
“We look at their websites, not only at that time but in their oversight.”
Our oversight is “proactive and responsive.”
- Jose Cole-Gutiérrez, LAUSD Charter School Division
The LAUSD is “the largest district charter school authorizer in the nation, with about 250 independent and affiliated charter schools serving over 130,000 students.” The Charter School Division is responsible for ensuring that these schools comply with the law and their charters. Unfortunately, this oversight is not as thorough as it needs to be. On Tuesday, June 20, 2017, I brought this issue to the attention of the LAUSD School Board with the following public comment:
Good Morning. My name is Carl Petersen and I am here to follow up on the public comment that I made last week regarding Granada Hills Charter High School (GHCHS). Specifically, I’d like to respond to José Cole-Gutiérrez’ statement that the Charter School Division is “proactive and responsive” in their oversight.
Cole-Gutiérrez stated that last week was the first he had heard of the charges that I…