Judging A Candidate By The Company She Keeps

While Marilyn Koziatek runs as an “LAUSD parent,” her endorsements come from people and organizations looking to dismantle public education.

Carl J. Petersen
6 min readOct 7, 2020


We know that we are often judged by the company we keep. We know how influential classmates, friends, and other peer groups can be. If any of our companions are prone to be unrighteous in their living, we are better off seeking new associations immediately.

- Joseph B. Wirthlin

LAUSD School Board candidate, Marilyn Koziatek, announced her endorsement by Common Core proponent Arne Duncan with great fanfare. Her campaign consultants seem to have had second thoughts about that move, as Duncan’s name has been scrubbed from her website and Twitter feed. However, there are still plenty of other endorsements that Koziatek lists who should concern anyone who cares about the students of Los Angeles and good governance. Here are a few:



Carl J. Petersen

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children. www.ChangeTheLAUSD.com