More Dirty Money In A School Board Race?

The District Attorney raided the offices of a company whose executives have donated to Marilyn Koziatek. Will she return the money?

Carl J. Petersen
3 min readOct 14, 2020


The thing with money is, it makes you do things you don’t want to do.

- Wall Street

In accepting a donation from Keith Brackpool, LAUSD School Board candidate Marilyn Koziatek proved that she is willing to accept any source of funding for her dirty campaign against Scott Schmerelson. The fact that Brackpool “breached financial disclosure laws in the UK” did not bother her enough to reject his contribution. Neither did the fact that he also founded Cadiz, a company that seeks to make billions of dollars in profits by plundering the groundwater of the Mohave Desert, a plan that is opposed by “environmentalists, local ranchers, protectionists, and Native American tribes”.

The newest ethics filing from the Koziatek campaign shows that Brackpool is not the only questionable donor supporting the challenger in the LAUSD Board District 3 race. On September 1, 2020, two executives from The Cordoba Corp. each donated $1,200 to the candidate supported by the charter school industry. These donations were made less than two weeks after the Los Angeles District Attorney raided the firm’s offices.



Carl J. Petersen
Carl J. Petersen

Written by Carl J. Petersen

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children. www.ChangeTheLAUSD.com

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