1 min readDec 3, 2019
Perhaps you are a frustrated activist because you don’t bother to learn the facts before jumping into action:
- The curriculum is set by the state, not the LAUSD or the Charter Schools. Both types of schools share this same curriculum.
- The greatest threat to the LAUSD’s financial solvency comes from the charter school industry. This is due to both fraud (https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/once-again-public-school-students-are-left-holding-the-bag-7f1d8e9d5495?source=friends_link&sk=b4d369bf4cfe1fc7d054faf5ed99e263) and their refusal to serve all students, regardless of needs (https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/excluding-special-education-78ea6df29128?source=friends_link&sk=1c52381fe19be91d64d05f00e07873a7)
- Competition can only occur on an even playing field: http://www.changethelausd.com/education_for_sale_lausd_throws_the_fight_in_its_competition_with_charters
- With unelected governing boards, what accountability do charter schools have to the taxpayers? https://medium.com/@ChangeTheLAUSD/more-eyes-needed-to-keep-watch-on-the-charter-school-industry-26c4ca77782c?source=friends_link&sk=d046eb0274a2ec247d9235fb8bc73817
- With the refusal to conduct open operations, what accountability do the charter schools have to the taxpayers? https://knock-la.com/what-is-this-charter-school-hiding-cbba46666653?source=friends_link&sk=a5d74d503aeb0baf707d797042a5b6f5
- The LAUSD does have immersion foreign language programs, but don’t let facts get in your way.
- And in your final sentence, you betray the real reason behind your post — you dislike the ability of workers to organize, even when that organization is used for the benefit of students. https://medium.com/@ChangeTheLAUSD/the-winners-and-losers-of-the-lausd-strike-8278232c2f90?source=friends_link&sk=6ebf8d05d479208c02460d555f439c60