Since you apparently skipped class the day that quotation marks were taught in school, I will give you a quick lesson. When something is placed within quotation marks (“ “) it signifies that the author is quoting someone else. As an example, the phrase “most secure in American history” is attributed to members of the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council, CISA Assistant Director, the National Secretaries of State, and others. The conclusion that this was the most secure election in American history is not my conclusion, but that of professionals who study these matters.
Now for your lesson on using the internet. The quote was hyperlinked so that you can click on it and be brought to the source that I used. This will explain in more detail why the professionals came to this conclusion.
As for your assertion that “THERE WERE SPECIAL UNIQUE PROTOCOLS THAT ARE INHERENTLY LESS SECURE THAN VOTING BALLOTS. NAMELY MAIL IN VOTING” 1) Vote in ballots were not unique to this election. They have been around for decades. 2) They are not inherently less secure than other types of voting. In fact, they offer a very concrete paper trail. 3) Why don’t you want members of our military to vote? For those stationed overseas, this is often their only way to have their voices heard.
Your claim that “there is a mountain of evidence that the election was very seriously compromised and the result was a fraud” is equally as flawed. To prove this, just look at Trump’s record in the courts, including at the Supreme Court which he stacked with his own personal picks. New reporting shows that the campaign knew his claims were a big lie, but they continued to propagate these falsehoods in an attempt to encourage a coup. The Donald has always been a sore loser, it is a byproduct of being raised in an environment that is bathed in privilege.
Don’t feel too bad, you are in the company of all the other people that Donald Trump has conned throughout his lifetime. Take a peek outside your bubble, you might learn something.